As we are all adjusting to sheltering at home, and social distancing when out of the house; the virtual distance between many of our friends is shrinking beautifully. We’ve had more time to virtually reconnect with busy fiber producers who are sharing details of their days via social media.
It’s lambing season for many of the shepherds we work with; and that has filled our Instagram feed with adorable photos of new arrivals that we know will bring you as much joy as they do us.

©Catskill Merino Sheep Farm
This is a twin ewe lamb that arrived with a smile on her face to Dominique at Catskill Merino in upstate New York. Dominique has continued the work of Eugene Wyatt in raising a flock of Saxon Merino that grow some of the softest, bounciest and finest fiber we spin.
We’ve partnered with Eugene and Dominique for many years making yarn for hats (that you can read more about here) as well as thousands of skeins for delighted hand knitters.
We have used their yarns in conjunction with ours in a couple of patterns that were a part of our Mystery Project clubs of 2018 and 2019. Cap Sease’s Polar Teddy and Maureen’s Dominique Tuck Socks (shown above) feature two yarns that you can purchase directly from Catskill Merino on their website, here.
If you’d enjoy learning a bit more, you can read all about the remarkable history of Eugene’s flock on the Catskill Merino website. The narrative begins with the original merinos of King Ferdinand of Spain in the 17th Century and traces a fascinating story to the handsome Australian rams that Eugene was able to bring to his farm in the 1990.

©Catskill Merino Sheep Farm