We are so looking forward to the New York Sheep & Wool Festival in Rhinebeck, NY this weekend. Every year, all of us that return for the fun wear our hand knits… Continue reading
Spinnery News
October is national Cooperative month
October is national cooperative month; so it is a perfect time to support a cooperative near you. Did you know that there are approximately 40,000 cooperatives operating in America providing… Continue reading
Hot off the presses
Our friend Cap Sease has done it again! Her most recent book is one that you’ll definitely want to add to your personal library. Knitter’s Know-How includes 127 techniques that… Continue reading
Vermont’s Sheep and Wool
In just a couple of weeks, we’ll be setting up shop in Tunbridge, Vermont for the annual Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival. For the second year running, we’ll be organizing the… Continue reading
Corrie is ready!

Our most recent newsletter featured the stunning circular yoke detail of our newest pullover sweater pattern. And it inspired some of our readers to ask for more details. We are… Continue reading
New for fall (part two)
This week we are proud to share with you another new pattern as well as six new shades of Weekend Wool! From top to bottom and left to right is Fawn,… Continue reading
New for fall (part one)
Autumn has so many iconic signs: shorter days, crisp temperatures, turning and falling leaves and the start of school. Each of us marks the change of the seasons with a different… Continue reading
Before summer’s end

There is still time to post your photos Jordache Knitalong on our Raverly Group page. We’ll be awarding prizes to three lucky winners in just a few days on Labor… Continue reading
What’s next?

You might think that the dog days of summer are no time to cast on with bulky wool (unless you have an air conditioned space to knit in). However, a… Continue reading
Look what’s coming!
We have been busy as bees this summer working on new patterns to introduce to you this Fall. We wanted to share a sneak peek of some of the offerings… Continue reading
Let the games begin!

As the 2016 Summer Games begin today, thousands of crafters around the world will be casting on for an “Olympics” of our own. Raverly’s Ravellenic Games 2016 begins with the opening… Continue reading
Let the games begin!

As the 2016 Summer Games begin today, thousands of crafters around the world will be casting on for an “Olympics” of our own. Raverly’s Ravellenic Games 2016 begins with the opening… Continue reading