A few gift ideas

We had a wonderful time last weekend greeting visitors from all over the country who dropped in to the Spinnery during Putney’s 36th Annual Craft Tour.  We opened our doors… Continue reading

Brioche is beautiful

Last weekend a wonderful group of crafters converged here in Putney and spent three lovely days learning as much as possible about the brioche stitch from our friend Nancy Marchant. She… Continue reading

Try something new

In our experience a terrific teacher or the right pattern can encourage a crafter to overcome their fears and doubts and attempt an untried technique.  We can’t wait to see… Continue reading

Rhinebeck projects

Our weekend in Rhinebeck was wonderful.  The New York Sheep & Wool Festival is a treat to attend every year and last week was no exception.  The weather was perfect… Continue reading

Back to school!

School has started in Putney Vermont this week.  Backpacks were filled, pencils were sharpened, and apples polished.  And we at the Spinnery have been thinking about projects for little ones. … Continue reading

Ombre knitting with Simply Fine

Last week we shared some beautiful project ideas for the Spinnery’s hand painted skeins of Simply Fine on our Facebook page.  We have found that many of us are drawn… Continue reading

Fresh as a daisy

I had to pull over by the side of the road this week and take a photo of these beauties.  Spring arrived a little late for all of us this… Continue reading

What’s new?

You may have already seen our brand new patterns if you follow us on Facebook.  We gave our friends there a sneak peek of the four new patterns that made… Continue reading