Make your plans!

In just a few months, we’ll be opening our doors for the 2019 I-91 Shop Hop.  And we can’t wait! Passports and bags for the 2019 I-91 Shop Hop are… Continue reading

Last but not least

The final project from our 2018 Mystery Project Club collection, is Maureen’s Swedish Mitten. The custom spun yarn that we shared with Club Members for our final project of the… Continue reading

2019 I-91 Shop Hop

We’re eleven local yarn shops located along I-91 from New Haven, CT to Putney, VT, and we’re teaming up to bring you fun, prizes, and plenty of fiber! Stop in your… Continue reading

Winter Kaleidoscope – 267

Designed by Larisa Demos

Kaleidoscopes have been used to create and play with luminous symmetry for more than 3 centuries. This stylized design allows you to experiment with color, bringing a seasonal palette to life. The complex tweed of Spinnery Mewesic yarn will enrich your three contrast yarns, providing pops of color in myriad hues for breathtaking results.

Show here with MC: Grey New mexico Organic, CCs: Mean Mr Mustard, Purple Rain and Atlantis Mewesic.

Intermediate Knitting

Even more for you to consider

When Kate and Maureen arrived in Santa Clara last week, they were met with a delightful surprise.  Sloan Rosenthal had a new pattern ready to publish and she was willing… Continue reading

At the Spinnery

Green Mountain Spinnery’s newest pattern collection includes a dozen designs crafted by Spinnery friends.  You’ll find pattern ideas featuring our yarns, that will cover you from head to toe in classic garments that will stand the test of time.

Each hard copy of the book includes a Raverly download code that will allow you to add electronic copies of all 12 patterns to your Ravelry library.


5 new patterns for you to play with

We’re headed to the big apple this weekend to vend at Vogue Knitting Live; and we’re bringing some exciting new patterns with us.  We’ve just published Maureen Clark’s new Stella… Continue reading

Stella – 266

Designed by Maureen Clark

Maureen’s great grand mother Stella was born around the turn of last century on Prince Edward Island. She’s notorious in family legend for drinking rye and playing the horses. This yoked pullover was designed with her in mind. Perhaps by trying a yoked construction or stranded knitting for the first time; or by casting on with an adventurous color scheme you’ll celebrate the creative renegade that lies in each of us.

Shown in MC: Earl Grey, CCs: Blue Lotus, Ceylon, Cream Alpaca Alpaca Elegance

Intermediate Knitting

Cirone – 245

Designed by Larisa Demos

Jenny Cirone was a remarkable woman. As a girl in 1916, when she moved to the coast of Downeast Maine with her family, she started tending a small flock of sheep that she shepherded for over 80 years. Jenny’s flock still thrives on the uninhabited islands where her Father was a lighthouse keeper. This delicate crescent shawlette features a botanical lace border reminiscent of the wild grasses and seaweed that feeds her flock.

Shown in Lavender Cream Alpaca Elegance and Nash Island Wool on left and Blue Lotus Alpaca Elegance and Nash Island Wool on right

Intermediate Knitting

Looking ahead

The arrival of seed catalogs has the gardeners among us enjoying visions of summer produce as snow drifts start to deepen this time of year.  For us crafters, knitting publications… Continue reading

Extending the deadline

The holiday season can be hectic with all there is to manage.  We know how hard it can be to keep track of every detail when they start to accumulate… Continue reading