Maryland Sheep & Wool

Howard County Fairgrounds 2210 Fairgrounds Road, West Friendship, MD, United States

Annual Tent Sale

Our shop will be open from 10 am - 5:30 pm on Saturday, 12 - 4 pm on Sunday and 9 am - 5:30 pm on Monday. We'll have special items available in the shop that you won't find among our sale yarns on the website.  We are going to be able to offer special... Continue reading

2019 I-91 Shop Hop

We’re eleven local yarn shops located along I-91 from New Haven, CT to Putney, VT, and we’re teaming up to bring you fun, prizes, and plenty of fiber! Stop in your participating LYS and purchase your Shop Hop passport for $5. Along with your passport that includes details about each of the eleven fabulous shops, you’ll... Continue reading

Madder Root Trunk Show

Green Mountain Spinnery Putney, VT, United States

We're delighted to announce that Christina of Maine based Madder Root will be bringing her iconic designs for sale at a one-day Pop-up Trunk Show during the I-91 Shop Hop weekend. She and her husband Andy are working on some special offerings that will be available on a first come first served basis.  She will be bringing her unique trundle... Continue reading


WNC Agricultural Center 1301 FANNING BRIDGE RD., Fletcher, NC, United States

Stitches West 2020

Santa Clara Convention Center Santa Clara, CA, United States

2020 Spring Knitters’ Weekend Retreat

Hampton Inn Brattleboro 1378 Putney Rd, Brattleboro, VT, United States

In an effort to keep our friends and staff safe we are cancelling this Spring's Knitters' Weekend gathering.  We hope to arrange a virtual gathering that will allow us to connect while keeping a safe social distance that will help prevent the spread of Covid-19.  Please check our Instagram Feed for updates!