Lamb Cam – late July

| News

This morning’s lamb cam update comes from our own backyard!  Andy’s small flock of ram lambs have returned to act as groundskeepers in the meadow behind the Mill.  They got… Continue reading

How time flies!

| News

We’re already in the middle of the third week of July which means that our second meet-up of the month will occur this Saturday!  We hope that you’ll come join… Continue reading

A lamb update!

| News, Yarn

Over the past few months, we’ve shared snapshots of some of the charming lambs that the fiber producers we work with have been raising this Spring.  Those fuzzy adorable creatures… Continue reading

Our commitement to the cooperative

| News

Today is International Co-op Day! You probably already know that Green Mountain Spinnery is a worker-owned cooperative.  Of the dozen folks who work here, currently five are worker-owners who collectively… Continue reading

Join us

| Knitting Fun, News

For many of us social butterflies, the quarantines, social isolating, and distancing required in the past several months have been difficult.  Knitting and crochet can be so much more rewarding… Continue reading

Good work

| News

The calls to action this week have led many of us to seek out ways in which we can be more supportive of our friends of color in the fiber… Continue reading

Tune in

| News

Now that many of us are entering our second month of self quarantine, it is continuing to be important that we find effective ways of providing ourselves with self care… Continue reading

From head to toe

| News

Ten great big boxes of custom spun yarn is leaving the Mill this week to head to Bollman Hat Company in Pennsylvania.  This delivery of gorgeous Merino wool that will… Continue reading